Wednesday, January 30, 2008

School's closed today

Well all the schools in the are are closed today and half day yesterday as well.  We have -50 degree wind chill around here and we have snow drifts about 5 feet tall!  My hubby barely made it out the driveway with the 4 wheel drive.  He went bashing through!  Snow went flying everywhere. I wish I would have recorded that but didn't want to go out in this!  Maybe when it gets a little warmer I will venture out. 
I have a really cute video of Nic signing to Stefan...I will post it later today. 
Still not done with the kitchen..just can't get myself to do it lol.  I have been keeping up with what I have already gotten done tho and the dishes are done.  Laundry is kept up to so I don't have so much to do on Friday. 
I did scrub 1/2 of the floor with my little scrub brush so that is less I have to do tomorrow.  Nic was a really big help with that.  Stefan did all his chores today and he even scrubbed the floor downstairs and that wasn't even on his chore list ;)  That doesn't happen often.

Oh I have a couple movie reviews for ya:

"The Simpson's Movie"
  The kids really enjoyed this and I thought it was ok but I wouldn't want to watch it again.  I'm not a huge Simpson's fan anyhow.  Hubby seemed to like it.  Their whole town was enclosed in a glass dome because homer dumped his pig silo in the lake lol  He contaminated the whole town.  The town people wanted to kill homer so they Simpson family escaped the dome and moved to Alaska.  Only to go back and help save the town from being blown up by the EPA. 

"Sydney White"  Starring Amanda Bynes...this was an awesome movie...comedy and drama mixed and it was a GREAT teen movie.  It's about a  young girl who after losing her mother at age 9 was raised by construction workers (her father being a plumber). She went off to the college her mother wanted her to go to... to become a member of the same Sorority.  It was an all around great movie and even Nic kept an eye on it once in a while.  This movie gets a two thumbs up from me ;) 

Ok I have to get off here for now but watch for that video of Nic later on ;)  If I can't get back on tonight I will post it in the morning after the guys go to work/school. 


Anonymous said...

Oh all have lots of snow back there in Packer-land.  All that's left here are a few remmants of snowman bottoms.  But it's cold and windy.  Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

I dont know how you do it! ALL THAT SNOW! I have a friend that lives in Colorado now, and she has sent me pictures of the snow drifts halfway up the windows of her house! I couldnt stand it, it would drive me bonkers! I know if I had to contend with that I would have no chickens, or anything outside, that is just TOO much!!!! Brrrrrrrr!

Anonymous said...

School's were all closed here as well....pretty much the same conditions as you. Brrrrrrr, stay warm :)

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

The computer wouldn't let me comment before, but when I saw this entry title. The first thought that came to my mind was Oh My God Hell has froze over because Stefan doesn't have school... you guys are hard core and go no matter what. LOL. Woo Hoo I remember the days just waiting to get inside the car when the drifts were crazy.
50 below now thats just to darn cold.. don't things freeze and fall off at those temps. Do you all carry like blankets and extra clothes in the car? I always did when my kids were little just because there was no way I could walk anywhere with three little babies. Thank goodness we never had to try it out.
Take care, Chrissie