Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My son had road test today!

The day was pretty exciting...It started our with my driving with my son early to school to let him get a little practice in grandmas car since his truck doesn't have an emergency brake that works, and our van doesn't have air bags that work...I hit a deer and they went off last year.  We did not get them replaced since it was going to cost us a little over 3 grand!  We just decided that we didn't want to go that route.

I drop him off and then pick him up at the school at 1 so he can get an hour or so to practice before his test.  He was nervous about parallel parking because sometimes they DO have the kids do that.  He did great at it...better then I do! lol 
So now it's time to go into the DMV and we sign him in and he goes out with a very nice women who will be his instructor. She used NO flash cards, I just gave her a quick sign language class lol.  They did great at communicating.  The men there are pretty grouchy so I was happy to see it was a women lol.  Alex had the men every time!  She had to take hers 4 times before passing because she was a speeder!

So off they go...I watch as Stefan pulls out on to the road.  They were back in less then 15 min.  He comes walking in with this sad looking face and signs...I failed!  OH no...I didn't really believe him but you never know!  It WAS only 10-15 min so I thought maybe he did something illegal and she made him come right back. That's what happened with Alex.

The lady looked at me and said "He's the first boy driver I ever had with a perfect score!"  YES, he got a perfect score and did nothing wrong!  And he did not have to parallel park either, but he would have done fine on that anyhow. 

So he's out tonight on his own...he actually had a wrestling meet at  his school tonight so he should be home at 8 or so.  He lost his phone in all the excitement so we had to cancel that AGAIN!  He usually is more responsible then that but he was late for his meet and in ahurry and who knows where it ended up.  We will have to check his bags good.  We did go get an extra key made for his truck, just in case! lol  And we are sticking a 25.00 gas card in his glove compartment for emergencies too.   He will be all set!  I'm so excited for him!  He is excited to because now he can go out on dates and actually PICK up his date lol. 

He has been totally responsible so we will give him his freedom until he shows us we can't trust him.  We totally trust what he does and who he chooses to be with.  He always makes good choices. Let's hope it stays that way ;)  Ok , well hubby is waiting patiently for me so I better get off here for now.  I will post pics later on. 
Stefan didn't have an actual match tonight because the team they are wrestling is very easy for them so they are putting in the kids who never get a chance to wrestle, so they get some practice.  And the little time I was there they had ALL pins! lol  They sure are a tough team to beat!  That's why I didn't stay...otherwise I would have stayed and watched him wrestle and rode home with Stefan. Take care everyone and see ya tomorrow with pics ;)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful son.  Great parenting helped. Congrats to him on getting his license.   :)
http://journals.aol.com/lattedah711/lattedah/    Tracy

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO the party is on now!!!! LOL you know I had to say that. Just remind him to be careful of OTHERS that's the problem. Tell him I said congrats and I'm glad I'm not on the road over in your town. So when's the first date? Who gets to be the lucky first girl he picks up? Yes a makeout vehicle. hehehe I hope you slipped some condoms in that glove compartment too. Just kidding... I have to give you something to worry about geez what's the fun in having a perfect child. ;-)~
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

oh hell.....kadie cannot be trusted...lol...that is why she doesnt have her license...lol..


Anonymous said...

Great news for Stefan! In all honesty I don't drive. I never did learn (leaving home at 16 and always living within city limits will do that). Now that I'm deaf I thought I wouldn't be able to go that route. But it's nice to know you can get someone to test you at the DMV that will use cards or sign. I've also learned that you can purchase a rearview mirror with a wider span for those who are deaf to make it easier to pay attention to the road and other drivers. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Stefan. He deserves a big hand for that accomplishment. Helen

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your son!

Anonymous said...

I know you are proud, congratulations to Stefan for passing perfectly!