Tuesday, January 29, 2008

One more video

The video at the end is for you Cassie! lol  Now he not only has shirt and jacket with no pants but he's added a cap and overnight back pack too! He's on his way to a sleep over at his cousin Jaden's house (so he says)  and guess what...he still doesn't want pants on lol 
And about the cottage cheese...we use it as a gravy over the boiled potatoes.  YUM!  You should try it!

Anyway, I just cannot get into a cleaning mood so I thought I would come here and check out my clean pics again to maybe get me in the mood lol.  I'm just going to start refreshing the clean rooms again this morning, make the beds, vacuum and then maybe I will feel like finishing the kitchen.  The thing is, I have the dirty dishes from breakfast staring me in the face lol I did start laundry so I better just get the sink ran with hot water and get the dishes soaking while I freshen up the rooms I already did clean.  I'm on day three now and I have 5 days to finish this project. 
And someone asked me if cleaning now means I was done when spring came around...NO lol I usually like to do this five day cleaning thing at least 3 times a year, sometimes 4.  During Spring cleaning I add curtain washes...washing under fridge and stove.  And washing all the windows. And some others too. As long as it doesn't get to cluttered I'm good! lol 

One thing I hate is clutter.  Like piles of newspapers/magazines/books hanging out on the floor or piles of bills laying on the table just piles of anything...even if their neat...I can't stand that! lol 
One thing that's bugging me right now is my computer desk...it got so cluttered up and I have NO clue what's in the drawers at all!  So after I'm done with this project I'm moving on the that one and I'm going to organize my drawers.  Oh and I can't stand junk drawers although I do have one!  lol  I think it's impossible not to have one because there are always these odd things that really have no place anywhere.  Ya know what I mean? 
The weird thing is..I hate all these messy things but my house is usually NOT clean lol  it's usually messy, but when Its clean Its usually pretty darn clean. My husband always tells me...just pick up a little every day and don't do the in depth cleaning...well I just can't clean a little..it's all or nothing.  I'm weird that way i guess.  I wish I could just clean a little here and there all the time. 

Well enough of that...here is the video of Nic. I surprised him on his way to Jadens' house. I  missed him saying that though. Here he's checking him self out in his  wall mirror


Anonymous said...

That is SO funny!!  I can't believe he is dressed, practically ready to walk out the door.....backpack and all.....and STILL no pants!!!!  LOLOL!

Lol....you should never, ever, ever come to my house!  LOL!  I try so hard not to have the little piles of clutter...but they just keep coming back!!!  And I hate...and I do mean HATE...to clean!  Absolutely ABHOR it!!!  But....*sigh*....it has to be done....lol!

Good luck with your kitchen today...and with getting yourself motivated!  


Anonymous said...

he is so cute :)  He is all ready to go.  I guess he would be pefectly happy leaving the house with no pants on.. LOL  That is soooooooooo cute.  Lookin' good in the mirror..

Anonymous said...

:)  love how he checked himself out in the mirror, even did a little turn to check the back pack...too cute!

after Pey started school i used to deep clean every day.  OMG.  i was insane!  i'd even clean the floorboards with a toothbrush.  lol, i'm glad that phase ended.  I don't like clutter either ;)

have a good one~

Anonymous said...

Nick is just too cute!

Anonymous said...

No pants....ya gotta love it!!! Adorable video, he is just too cute for words.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

He's seriously adorable here, no pants huh? (winks) Skye had a problem with socks and shoes, her teachers always complained she was ditching them in class and running around without them no matter the weather. She never outgrew it either, she runs around in flip flops outside even with snow on the ground. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

HE IS SO .... KYAN!! I just wish I could see those two together one day. They'd fight over the mirror. Kyan does one better the shirt has to be off too. IF he's here at my house it gets better... he runs around in a pullup and HEELS lmao. The said thing is he knows how to walk in them very well. Lauren gets so mad when he's here because her heels are all over the closet.
Hummm... I love cottage cheese, but never thought of using it over boiled potatoes. I love your ideas for food. I'm so boring.
Well don't come to my house right now I have lots of piles. I need to get moving cleaning too.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie