Saturday, January 26, 2008

Very sad mommy!!!

Well because of the crazy snow and freezing drizzle Cory thinks it's best I stay home and I have to agree. It would be way to dangerous on the roads today and it's suppose to drizzle most of the day. I just hope the bus is careful on the way home.  My son is disappointed that I'm  not there and I REALLY want to be there!  I have been staying in contact with him through text but the little brat is not giving the information I want.  I asked him how he was doing so far and he say's  "I'm not telling  you"  GRRR  Sometimes the boy drives me nuts!  I'm SO happy he made his lunch before he left and I did give him 3.00 for drinks...he did take a gallon of something to drink too so he's fine.  Now I'm looking outside and the sun is out and it stopped snowing but it's suppose to start raining here's drizzling where he is now and coming this way.  As it looks now I could drive no problem but I just don't want to take that chance.  I will be going nuts here until he gets home because he's not telling me a thing!! I don't even know if he wrestled yet...I'm sure he has wrestled at least one, maybe two already since it's noon.  They must be on a lunch break right now.  His best friend is there too wrestling today..he's from a different school but they end up at the same meets many times through out the season. At least someone is there with him. 


Anonymous said...

Oh no, I am so sorry you cant be there! No since in risking it, you may end up stuck or worse sliding around into someone or something. I hope the bus driver is very careful and gets everyone home this evening.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly understandable why you can't be there. Kids know how to get to the heart of us, don't they? Can't wait till Stefan gets home and lets you know how he did. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry you couldn't go to the match, but it's so understandable. Still, as a Mom, I understand why you are so sad....those darn kids just mean everything to us!!! I hope he did sure and let us know.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hope he did well but glad that you weren't out driving in the crazy weather. When I was young it wouldn't have bothered me but now that I'm 38 I'm a little more cautious! :)
