Saturday, February 2, 2008


Today  has been a really boring day.  We had breakfast (Tuna Over Biscuits
) and then it was just catching up on my alerts and now doing an entry and then it will be getting to my cleaning again.  OH did I tell you!!! I got my kitchen done!  YEAH!  I am behind because I was planning to have my basement done by this weekend but I will get it done.  I was just thrilled to get my kitchen done lol.  I have lots of pics and some pics of some clothes that my niece and sister got for Nic yesterday too.  They were really cute and Nic won't take one of the shirt off lol.  He loves it.  He has it on in the picture. 

More pictures tomorrow at 1:30!  Not so excited because i wanted to lose weight before I took family pics but oh well...I will have a before family pic i guess.  lol  the kids really need to have a picture taken of all of us!  Oh Heather, Nic took one of those kitty's was in his back pack so he says ah oh we have to give this back to Jaden!  So next time he comes over I will have him give that back ;) 

Ok NOW for the BIG news. I GOT AN AWARD!!!
NICEMATTERS.jpg Nice Matters picture by 2breakaway1968

I was So thrilled because it was my very first award as a journal holder and It just absolutely made my day! I was a little behind and when I came back I got a huge surprise!  LORI from "Lori's Laurals"
gave methis award :)))  Thank you so much Lori it is very much a welcomed surprise. Now I have to give this to six others and that will be very hard to do. These were my choices and these are in no particular order: Well I have to start by saying I would pick my Niece Heather, and my sister but they already know they are loved and appreciated by me and are VERY nice!  So I know they won't mind that I share this award with others so I don't have to cut so many people out! 

1. My childhood friend KALLIE over at "Health and Family" because she was always a great friend and we had some pretty wild times when we were young! I pretty much lived with her family. I dated and fell in love with her older brother and we thought we would become family too!  That however, didn't work out but we are still very close to this day and  we even have kids close to the same age. 

CHRISSIE at "Almost Paradise II" I know she has already got two but I just had to because she has been a GREAT friend to me also and I LOVE LOVE LOVE little Kyan! 

3. LINDA over at "A long climb back up" well we all know Linda is a great person and SO very nice.  She has offered to send me all her coke points and I think that is just SO nice of go out of her way like that for a fellow journaler!  Thank you Linda!

4. Cassie over at "journey to Normal" she has been just right on the ball on commenting and she is usually the first to comment to my entries :)  I have gotten very close to her and love that she takes her time to raise her sister and brother! She has a rough time but is still always there to comment and make others feel better! 

JANIS at "Fitbyforty" because she has been a great friend to me and I LOVE LOVE LOVE her beautiful daughter!  And I hope she never leaves here! OH and she is a fellow "Green Bay Packer fan"! lol 

Ok wow I want to add SO many more Kelly, Kelly, Tracy, Linda (Washington State) Missy, Wanted to also give one back to Lori too ;) Oh so many more!  But I had to pick this person because she has always been there for me and I met her online through a diet site YEARS ago! There has been TONS of email sent between us over the years.  I love her to death and we are planning to meet this summer HOPEFULLY! 
6. SHELLEY over at "Shells Journey"
Thank you so much for being there for me Shell and being the one I can rant at when I'm feeling down ;)  She has a journal over at buddy slim now and is doing great at losing her weight! 

There is sure a lot more that I wanted to add here but of course I had to pic six!  I love all you guys and your all just simply great! 

I'm going to get this saved and I will post picture in the next entry.  Watch for them :) 


Anonymous said...

How do you make Tuna over Biscuits?  Linda

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the's one i know for sure i won't be getting...LOL

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much.  LOve  ya lots!

Anonymous said...

Awww... you're so sweet you could have handed mine out to another I know you love me ;-))~ but THANK YOU so much. I wanted to list you too, but decided to share with some others since Lori picked you.
Wow you travel in other circles in Jland because I know none of the ones you listed. I will have to stop by sometime and say hello. They have to be awesome people IF you like them so.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award, Carrie, I totally agree with are fabulously nice :)
Thank you, also, for passing it on to me......I'm so honored, and feel very blessed to have you as a J-land friend.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!  Thank you so much!!!!  I can't believe that you said all that nice stuff about me always keeping on top of journals and being the first one to comment in your journal a lot....and I have been SO behind in the last week!  I am so sorry I have missed so much!  I am trying to catch up now!  Thank you so much for my award!!!  You're the best!