Saturday, February 9, 2008

I was having fun ;)

Ok I have been MIA yesterday...that's because I was going through some Freecycle clothes I got.  About 8 bags worth of plus size clothes and I had fun.  I took some of the size 16 and some of the bigger stuff.  My daughter took a lot of the 16 stuff I grabbed.  She likes it because its a little bigger and baggier. 
My son took all the left overs in the back of his truck to school  and I passed them on to another freecycler who picked them up there. 
We got a few more inches of snow last night.  Stefan was invited to go sledding with some girl "friends" so  he wandered over to pick up Trevor and they went sledding until 9 and then I was so worried about him cuz he had to drive home in this and we all know I'm still paranoid after he rolled his truck!  Well, he made it home fine...he said he just went slow. 
We also went to the "Wisconsin Pizza Factory" it's a cross between Pizza Hut and Chucky Cheese.  The kids loved it although Nic was pretty naughty.  It was past his nap time and he was going around in that big play land dozens of time...sliding down the slid etc...all of a sudden he freaked out and was unable to get down!?  Oh he was crying and throwing himself down and oh my!!  You would think the poor child was having a break down! I went with my niece and her older boy kept trying to show Nic the way out but he just wanted NO part of it!  Heather finally had to crawl up there and get him for me...there was no way I was going to fit up there lol.  He got a time out out of that little show.   After his time out he was good...well, except when he pulled down his pants AND underwear in front of the whole restaurant and said he had to go pee!  Ya that was pretty fun!  LOL  Heather says "I wonder if he peed somewhere! lol  OH I was SO hoping he didn't!  But he did go ALOT once we got to the bathroom so I know he didn't go anywhere else!
Oh I have to tell ya...these terrible threes may be the death of me!  Trust me people I don't agree with the terrible twos!! It's the terrible threes you have to worry about! 
Ok I got TONS of pics on our fun time out and ONE VERY funny video but I have to get my nieces permission to air it here! lol  Heather??? Can I?  lol  I will post pics in a bit..have to get them all downloaded.  


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy day alright. Dontcha just love the three year old stage I'm with you on that one. Twos was a breeze. Can't wait to see the pics.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

I figure because Stefan had that scare of rolling the truck he will always be super extra careful now. Oh I can relate! Shelby was like that at three, not two! She has done that very same thing when we went to one of those big indoor play places and wouldnt come down, scared to come down after going and going in there. Its like all of the sudden, they realize they are way up high! LOL Kids will definitely keep you on your toes. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG sounds like soo much fun you had. I so wished we lived closer so we could do stuff all the time together. I love freecycle. I am on the green bay one and I am so surprised at the stuff people just give away. But I have gotten rid of a lot too. Can;t wait for the pics. And by the way it is trying three's. LOL

Anonymous said...

Nic sounded like a handful, although I might of been laughing when he pulled everything down and said he had to pee....Too funny! Awesome being able to get some things through free cycle. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

as my granny would have said, that nic sounds like a pistol!!!  LOL!  I'll bet that was PRICELESS!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to journals on Friday or Sat.....I started catching up late last night, but conked out at about 1:30. So I'm just now catching up on you....maybe you should re-name your journal "Nic's Shenanigans" LOLOL!!!

I agree with you too, it's definitely  "The Terrible Threes", our twos with Mandy were a  breeze compared to when she was three. Plus, Abby is going through her three's right now too, at age 7 months.....they are The Naughy Threes!!!!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

lol.  terrible 2 through 20 is more like it ;)  i agree, 2 was the easy age for temper tantrums.  8 sucks!
