Friday, February 22, 2008


He is all of a sudden all apologetic to me and cleaning like a crazy boy. I wonder if he read my journal or something...he is suppose to be grounded from the computer but he's pretty sneaky sometimes!  I think he feels bad that I felt bad.  I don't WANT to be "mean" to him because I know he is almost 18 now and he needs more freedom so he can learn but gosh darn...I just want the boy to listen!  I guess I really can't complain to doesn't take much yelling to get him moving. And all in all he is a good kid but this is the same age my daughter started getting lippy and it scares she doesn't even want to come visit us and I could not handle TWO kids never coming to see me!  Ya know!  It's so lonely without my little girl and I really miss her even if she is 19! 
I gave him one more simple thing to do...Clean the basement WELL and you can go.  Well, that really worked because I already hear the vacuum! I guess he needed a "list" lol  I have to make sure it's good but I know he knows that.  He's already cleaned the living room and took the garbage in and out so I guess that would be acceptable chores for today.  He has the whole basement so that is a chore he gets no matter what.  WE are never down there.  Well, hardly anyhow. Although Nic does spend some time down there playing.
He plans on going to Lia's this weekend again. Her mom invited him back over which is a good thing. I guess he's not annoying them TOO much ;)  Im happy to hear tho that his friend Trevor will be going with. I hate him driving that far on his own so soon after he gets his license.  I remember how tired I got on such long trips that soon after driving.  I worry about him.  Last weekend we had that HUGE snow storm so he had to drive home in that and I was just sick with worry!  He did fine tho and got home in one piece.  Lia has the WII so they really enjoy it  there and they have fun.  Last weekend they were in an outdoor hot tub. 
Well, I think I better get moving around here again.  I would like to sit around tonight and watch a movie or something. Stefan is going to jump in the shower and  head out to pick Trevor up and I better get to my dishes. 
Talk to you all tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

well, heck yeah.  it worked.

it's got to be tough with them leaving home, part of me looks forward to it and part of me dreads it.  i guess some part of you always thinks of them as your baby and you'll always want them to need you. i think i have to call my

have a good weekend~

Anonymous said...

Awww... that would worry me too. I like have anxiety attacks around prom time just because I know all those kids are out there drinking somewhere and thinking they can drive. That night I hardly sleep.
Glad he kicked in and did what he needed to whether he read the journal or just thought about it. Hope he has a safe trip to the friends and has fun.
Sorry your daughter doesn't come around more. Some kids are that way. I have a feeling Lauren is gonna be that way she could care less whether she sees me in the week or not, but she is a very self centered. She's the only one that way. So I guess out of three there is always one that way.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

I ask my son to do the dishes once every couple days and he acts like the world is coming to an end!  He will put it off until we have no more clean dishes.  He says I make him do all the work and I do nothing.  Nevermind I work 40 hrs a week and now have a part time private duty job too!  Brats!  

Anonymous said...

raising teens is the hardest thing EVER. I am glad he started cleaning like you asked him to.

HUGS, lisa

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that things are better by this entry!! They just need to control their mouths and thing would go so much easier....why can't they learn this?? LOL! I'm sorry about your daughter, I can only imagine how hurt you must be....I miss Mandy so much and if she lived near by and I didn't see her, I would cry my eyes out. I will keep her in my prayers, and you too {{{Carrie}}}.

Love & Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Its good to know he still has a concience intact, even as a teen. ;) Glad things are better and he can go have some fun now that he has done what was asked of him. :)