Sunday, February 17, 2008

Crazy?? I feel it! AND I"M MAD's been a crazy last few days to say the least.  I'm going to start at the beginning.  ok I think I left off on the 14th or so lol It's been a while.  I have just been trying to figure out money issues and stuff so I have been spending a lot of time on google and recipe sites and so forth. 

Next, this girl (above) will be the death of me!  I swear!  I will get into that later in the entry but first I will start here. 

Ok yesterday Cory decided that he thinks we should bake bread...cheaper and healthier then buying store bread.  Well, ok so we did.   Here is what we come up with. Each loaf by the way is only .54 cents a piece!  AND it has NO preservatives so its way healthier for ya too. and did I mention it tastes good?

Was it easy?  HECK YA! We threw it together in our really nice Kitchen Aid Mixer (I love this thing) and just let er go!  Oh boy was it easy.  Was it tasty?  OH YA even better then tasty!  I forgot how good home made bread taste!   Did we eat the whole loaf?  YES but shared four slices with grandpa.  Grandma is in Florida for the week so we sneak some yummy food over for grandpa cuz usually he doesn't get it.  He loved it and was totally thrilled! 

On the 14th Stefan went to the movies with some friends.  He came home all cheery and all of a sudden he's very protective of his phone.  UMM hello, mom is not dumb! lol  Now, other times he would just leave his phone lay where ever and didn't care who would find it.  All of a sudden he's treating his phone likegold?  I think he likes someone, don't you?  HE HE ANYWAY,

So nothing happened in between then and now.  We will get into the now.  It RAINED and then it  SNOWED and it SNOWED and it SNOWED and it...yep you guessed it... SNOWED!  It is so SO beautiful outside I can hardly wait till tomorrow to go out there and take some pictures. I  took some tonight but you can hardly see anything cuz it was 11pm.  Cory was plowing.  Here are a couple pictures I got:

Here is one of NIC being silly a few days ago.

OK now on to my daughter (this is a HUGE rant so beware)...well she has been something else lately.  She has gotten a few parking tickets and never tell us when she gets them until the darn things are 75 bucks!  VS 25~!   Well, actually she doesn't even tell us THEN. I find out when I get the darn threatening "your license will be suspended" letter in MY NAME cuz yup the car is in my name! NOT HERS.  So I call, yell, B**** whatever at her until I hear a "I know mom, I'm trying to pay it"   UM, NO, your not trying to pay it or it would have been paid already!  She had several pay checks in between the time. It could have been paid when it was 25 bucks!  WE don't have the money to pay if for her so here we sit!   I'm just so disappointed in her right now....the choices she is making is getting me SO furious!  Ok, I'm not done yet... so then grandma offers her a cleaning job...she would pay her fines and pay for her license to get re-registered cuz yesshe was driving after they suspended the plates on MY vehicle and she got a ticket for THAT too!  So grandma says..if you clean my house... ALLOF IT... I will give you the 175 needed to pay off your fines.  She says YA sure I will do it.  Took her a week or more to get out here and even start!   THEN she was suppose to come out here on Friday (cuz grandma gave me a packet to give to her and I didn't realize I was NOT suppose to give her the check until she was DONE) to start but made up some excuse as to why she couldn't...So she already paid her fines with the money but did not get the work done yet...see where I'm going with this?  ok, I say... then Sat you get out here early so you can start.  OK she says.  At about noon I call her and ask her if this is her idea of early?   Well, she says... I had to clean here first and then I'm waiting for my friend to get out of the shower so I can take one.  WHAT?!  Why so you need a shower? YOUR GOING TO CLEAN! i say.  
OK so 4pm rolls around...NO alex...I call her again.  Where are you?  OH... well, I have to take my friends little sister and brother to school early tomorrow so I can't come out tonight.  OH NO YOU DON'T, you get your butt out here NOW because your being very irresponsible! Grandma paid you!  I gave you that money when i was not suppose to and your COMING out here tonight!   GRRRR She came out here alright or I was taking my butt in to town and picking up her car.  I'm not putting up with that crap!  So when she got out here she was all grouchy and acting as if she was having the hardest time of her life just having to come out here and sleep here for a night!  GEEZ!  
Good thing I did make her come out because there was freezing rain and that would have been another excuse...a good one that time but an excuse non the less.  She did go clean so I hope she did a good job for grandma. 

OK end rant! WHEW I do feel better now.  So I will add video tomorrow because I'm tired now ;)


Anonymous said...

Wow, I think I will keep my kids little! I will have 3 teens at once. YIKES. I was out shoveling last night with Jimmy. It was really pretty out there. You should see the size of our snow banks.

Anonymous said...

Now you understand the old saying better?  Raising teenagers is like being pecked to death slowly by a duck!!

My 22 y.o. daughter moved into her 4th apartment in 4 years and my back is killing me!!  Haha
Why 4 different apartments...her friends moved in with her in her 2 bedroom but they got into fights so guess who paid the other half of her rent this Feb.  Me!  Man did that hurt.  Sweetie has been teaching her how to set up a budget on the laptop.  

BTW:Have you ever heard of Paperback Swap?  They have a DVD and CD swap also.  I've been in the book swap for about 3 years and love it for new books for Tommy, decorating books and even cookbooks.  We just started the DVD swap.  We bought credits to start with since we want to watch our DVDs then trade them for new ones.  
It is great for book and movie lovers!


Anonymous said...

See why I will only have 1 teen at a time... It is tiring. Though I have to say that Stephanie really in the last 6 - 12 months has turned things around. She has paid off her car and has paid off almost all her credit cards. She moved in w/ her b/f and so far so good. Next is Alli and I think it may be worse than w/ Steph... I only have a couple of gray hairs but I feel more coming on.

And as for the ice and snow... We had no school today because of it and it was bad yesterday. An inch of ice and 10 + inches of snow. Yuck!!!!

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! I am SO glad you stuck to your guns on the cleaning grandmas house! You go girl...she needs to know, she has to live up to her end of the deal and that grandma was only being NICE by offering the money at all. The bread looks delicious! My MIL loved to bake bread, and it was SO good. I would have eaten it all too! LOL! I am glad you like snow...someone has too. ;) Did Nic put that bubble wrap on the kitchen floor and stomp it? Pop pop pop! Daddy used to bring the big bubble bubble wrap home from work sometimes...we had a blast with that stuff! Okay, going down the page entry! ;) HUGS, Kelly

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you made her come over and do the cleaning. I hope she learned a valuable lesson.

Anonymous said...

kids, teens, UGH. Been there, done that, understand well. That bread looks really good....but i hate seeing the snow but i think you like it huh?! HUGS  lisa

Anonymous said...

My daughter was the same way.  Her car was in her dad's name but I quit paying half the ins. and her cell.  If she was going to be irresponsible getting all these tickets in the 1st 4 yrs. of having her license, I was not going to be a part of it.  The problem was her dad would pay the tickets!  Grrrr.  Makes me so mad cuz he is on disability and can't afford to pay but that's his problem.  I think she is finally starting to take on responsibility.  I hope!

Anonymous said...

i'm so jealous of all that snow...we usually only get a dusting or two here during the winter.

teenagers.  sigh.  i can't wait for those years.  i'd be fuming...i think the way you handled the situation was great...i'll be keeping it in mind during the next 10 years.  

the bread looks amazing.  i've tried to make some before but it came out too hard, dense and lacking flavor.  would you post your recipe?  please.

take it easy~