Monday, February 11, 2008

I have gas!!!

Ha Finally!  We are warmer!  The LP guy came this morning early...thank goodness we plowed in time!  Or he would have just called and said he could not get down the driveway.  So we are now back at 66 degrees and feeling a LOT warmer now!  We kept it very low because we didn't know for sure when he was coming so it's better to be low for a few days then really warm one day and no heat the next! 

So my aol journal alerts are STILL not working. I'm getting nothing...not even alerts when I get comments!  I'm not sure what's going on...seems like others alerts are still working.  I checked and they are all still turned on.  Maybe I have to go in and turn them off and back on again?  I don't know.  I  miss reading everyone journal and I don't have addresses to most new ones because I didn't add them yet to my side bar! :(  I need to do that so if they stop working again I can at least KNOW who to go read!  lol  The alerts had me spoiled.  Ok so Stefan was sick again today with a bad dizzy spell.  He says it feels like his brain is lose?  I called the doctor and told them I wanted him seen and more testing done other then the "OH he has migraines, here are meds and tell him to sleep it off" thing.   I want the MRI done to make sure there is nothing more serious.  I want everything done that can be done to find out what this is and why he's getting these dizzy spells.  I think I would feel better if his head hurt really bad but he says his head doesn't hurt it's just dizzy feeling.  And h e's been getting this more and more lately. He's missed a lot of school this year so far...usually he doesn't miss any or just a few days.  He's already missed like 6 days so far because of dizziness!  He's just been a different boy lately because of all this and I think he's worried it's more serious then just migraines so it's got him scared.
Grandma will attempt to watch Nic tomorrow while I take Stefan in.  Grandpa will be there with her tho.  Grandma's been feeling lots better lately so she says she is fine watching him for a few hours.  I feel ok knowing grandpa will be there to help her out.  They don't want me to take Nic in therebecause it's going to be a long drawn out apt and they may just do an MRI right away they are not sure.  It's better to not have him there especially over nap time! Wish us luck!  I will be back after the apt tomorrow unless I get some pics of our snow drifts outdoors while Nic takes his nap today...then I will come update with pictures.  I will be sure to check out the journals who leave comments for sure and those who are on my sidebar as well.  Any others I will get to ya after alerts start to work again.. i hope it's soon!!!  I miss my journals! 


Anonymous said...

Glad the gas man run before you got out of gas. I pray that nothing is seriously wrong with Stefan. Could be vertigo. I have that at times and you really get dizzy from it. Good idea to get an MRI and maybe blood work done also. Helen

Anonymous said...

Turning off all the alerts and turning them back on might help.  Mine are working OK (At least I think they are - I haven't had as many as usual, but I am getting quite a few each day.)  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

in the past i have had to turn them off and then on again, more than once. Good luck.
I will keep your son in prayer. I know that must worry you.

Anonymous said...

My alerts are working fine!  I'm catching up.  LOL  Have they checked Stefan for Meniere's?  My g/f's daughter was diagnosed with that.  She has missed alot of school.  Hope he feels better.

Anonymous said...

awww....I'm so sorry to hear that Stefan is feeling so bad!  I hope they find out tomorrow what is wrong with him!  Please keep me updated!  I will keep him in my prayers!
love and hugs!

Anonymous said...

I hope Stefan comes out okay. Nic will be fine with the grandparents for this one time. I don't like to take kids anywhere around doctor offices or hospitals in fear that they'll catch something and get sick. Nic is closed up at home just like Kyan is so I know he's not sick often unless someone has brought something to him from school or work.
I would suggest that you not only put them in your sidebar, but maybe evey email them to yourself just in case the computer crashes, but I know yours won't with hubby around ;-).
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

Hey now keep us posted on what the doc says about Stefans dizziness. Maybe it is just an inner ear problem? Let us know now. Glad you got some heat in the house!