Thursday, February 28, 2008

Movie filmed here in WI!

Did you hear the movie "Public Enemy" with Johnny depp will be filmed in Columbus Wisconsin?  It's not far from the Madison area.  It would be SO cool to check that out!   It will start filming next month sometime.  I hope to go check that out :) 
LOL my son is whispering in my ear "mommy, click on the red X"  LOL he wants me to click on him so he can play his game.  So I should close my window that I have open!  What a kid!  He's being exceptionally good today!  I will be back.  I have more to share yet today. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its always cool when the kids are nice.....huh? Sometimes my son doesnt understand that if he is nice, he gets more.

wow, maybe you can go and get pics of that movie set!
HUGS, lisa jo